If you are starting a new regime, a pre-IVF, pre-Summer, pre-holiday and pre-showing bits of yourself that have been hidden for the Winter, then starting your day as you mean to go on is the way to go. I love the way this green juice makes me feel, it is so clean and fresh and so very green! And when I have it in the morning it inspires me to keep going with the green theme. If you want to lose a few pounds just have this juice in the morning, then wait for lunchtime before you eat. A sort of version of the fasting for 16 hours and eating within an 8-hour window. It is perfect if you feel bloated and water-logged and sluggish, if you are pre-menstrual and after a long plane journey it’s the best thing for swollen ankles. And it really helps post IVF too, between egg collection and embryo transfer. The celery, parsley and cucumber are mild diuretics shifting fluid build-up, the fennel is perfect for bloating, the ginger is anti-inflammatory, the spinach is packed with nutrients and the apple and lime add a zingy sweetness.
You can either use a juicer (a cold press juicer is always better as cold pressing retains vital enzymes) or a Nutribullet or even a blender but the consistency with blending can be a bit thick.
INGREDIENTS for one person
❖ A small or half a large fennel bulb
❖ 4 sticks of celery
❖ A small knob of ginger
❖ Half a cucumber
❖ A handful of parsley
❖ A green apple
❖ A handful of spinach
❖ Juice of half a lime.
Put through your juicer, then pour through a sieve and drink.
Best taken first thing in the morning when still fresh.