OK, I am finally overcoming my fear of technology and (almost, though not sure I can tweet!) fully participating in 21st Century communication. Actually I often come across interesting things to do with food and nutrition and think I must remember to tell my clients. So I guess a blog is really ideal for exactly that! And this first blog is to tell you what I will actually be blogging about. New foods I come across, snippets of research, good recipes that really do work and anything else I think you might like to know….. I love finding new things and I shall probably really get into blogging in an excited sort of way – watch this space!
And I have got a first thing to blog about actually. Research reported in The Week (from the Daily Mail) about zinc for colds and flu found that 75mg a day shortened the severity and symptoms of colds by 42% and less than that dose had no effect. I think taking that dose at the onset of symptoms and for the duration is probably a good idea because other research has also suggested high doses of zinc has a very beneficial effect for colds and flu.
BUT do not be tempted to take this dose all the time. More is not necessarily better and high doses of zinc can interfere with other minerals like copper and iron, and actually have an immune suppressant effect long term. So taking it for a week or so in that dose is a good idea, but no longer. Most multivitamins contain 15mg zinc and I think that’s absolutely fine.