I have just returned from a great week working in Morocco where I met a fantastic chef who specializes in raw food called Hayley North. I am a bit of a relaxed nutritionist and not very interested in hard core food movements that restrict or only allow certain foods with a religious fervour.
Read moreGender Benders
I have a bit of a thing about chemicals and how they may affect both male and female fertility, according to more and more research. This latest study links premature ovarian failure with chemicals called PCBs (Poly Chlorinated Bisphenyls) and phthalates. PCBs (Poly Chlorinated Bisphenyls) are found in fatty animal products.
Read moreThe age of sperm
There is a bit of a myth that women are the ones with age-related fertility problems and a man can father children even when he’s ancient! Yes there are famous older Dads – Charlie Chaplin, Des OConnor and Bruce Forsyth to name but a few, but new research has shown that actually sperm ages too, with deterioration of the DNA leading to a higher risk of genetic problems in the offspring, such as schizophrenia and autism (Wyrobek et al).
Read moreUmami: satisfying foods for the ‘fifth’ taste sense
One of the dilemmas of my work is convincing people that you can eat healthy food that actually tastes of something. When you are asking people to cut down the three things that make food taste good – salt, sugar and fat it can be a hard call.
Read moreVitamin D, not just for bones
Yet again vitamin D, or rather the lack of it has hit the headlines again. The completely tragic case of the young parents arrested for the murder of their baby, who turned out to actually have severe rickets, has reinforced the importance of this vitamin.
Read moreSlow cooking
My slow cooker is my absolute favourite piece of kitchen equipment. I love it and for those of us without the luxury of an Aga it really is the next best thing. You just bung all your ingredients in, switch it on and when you come home in the evening you are greeted by the most delicious smells and nothing to do but sit down and eat, heaven!
Read moreLook after your brain
This week it was reported in the news that the previously held understanding that brain function begins to impair at 60 was incorrect. It is actually 45, and I and most of my friends can definitely verify this! Whether you have a family history of dementia or Alzheimers there are certainly steps you can take to slow down the ageing process of your brain.
Read moreTo snack or not to snack…
I have always believed that grazing is a good thing to do as theoretically it keeps your blood sugar steady and should stop you from snacking on the wrong things because you won’t have cravings. However with some people I now think this is a bad idea, for two reasons.
Read moreOrganic food – is it still worth it?
I admit that I am quite a fan of organic food and often find myself having to defend buying it. Although I certainly don’t buy everything organic. I just think that fewer chemicals must be a better thing and through the work I am doing,
Read moreEggs, fabulous brain food
I am fast approaching the age when my brain certainly needs looking after, if not totally replacing! So as well as anti-aging things I am always on the look out for brain-enhancing information. And eggs really fit the bill, cheap and cheerful, they are full of protein, iron, vitamin B12 and anti-oxidants.
Read moreDelicious Fish
Despite my best intentions I have not been great at finding sustainable fish to eat but I am planning on changing my ways! It’s quite hard though as I know we have a fish shop locally somewhere but I have never found it and am too guilty of always going to Waitrose which actually has really good fish.
Read moreGood health really does start before you’re born
This week there have been a couple of things on the TV and radio worth catching if you are planning pregnancy. Both programmes talked about how what your mother eats when you are in the womb has a profound and lasting effect on your health for the whole of your life.
Read moreDiets and Riots
In all the talk about the causes of rampaging teenagers I have only heard one brief little sneaked-in mention of the role of diet and behaviour. Is it only poor old much maligned Jamie Oliver who can be brave enough to confront the government with the argument that if you feed growing brains rubbish, there may be behavioural implications?
Read moreFirst venture into blogging….
OK, I am finally overcoming my fear of technology and (almost, though not sure I can tweet!) fully participating in 21st Century communication. Actually I often come across interesting things to do with food and nutrition and think I must remember to tell my clients. So I guess a blog is really ideal for exactly that!
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